Students of the Opole Children’s University of Technology started the new academic year

fot. Politechnika Opolska

In keeping with the traditional ceremony, more than 200 students of the Opole University of Technology began the new academic year. The oath of office of the youngest students was taken by Prof. Tomasz Boczar, Vice-Chancellor for General Affairs and Operations of the Opole University of Technology.

“We are very pleased that so many of the youngest students want to develop. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves here, they will seek knowledge and answers to their questions. This is the first step on the road to development, the next step is the Youth Technical University of Opole and then, of course, studies at our university”, says the pro-rector.

The first lecture: “Finding peace, or how to cope with change” was conducted by Dr Ewa Polańczyk from the Faculty of Production Engineering and Logistics. The child-students were very engaged, eagerly took part in the workshop part, asked a lot of questions and had the opportunity to develop their creativity by finding new applications for objects known from everyday life.

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Higher education