Faculty of Physics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań celebrates its 30th anniversary

fot. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

The Faculty of Physics at Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan is celebrating its 30th anniversary. During the main anniversary celebrations, the rector of the university announced that from next academic year the Faculty of Physics will be renamed the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.

“I would like to congratulate you all on what you have already achieved and wish that each subsequent year will bring further achievements”, said Professor Bogumiła Kaniewska, the rector of Adam Mickiewicz University, during the ceremony.

Physics has been present at the Poznań University since its inception. In response to the changing demands of the labour market, the faculty has been updating and enriching its teaching offer. 

The Faculty of Physics was a pioneer in educating students in the fields of optics, optometry, medical physics or hearing prosthetics. At present, the didactic offer includes over a dozen BA and MA courses and extremely attractive specialisations. In 2023, the first innovative course of study in Poland, ‘Quantum Informatics’, was opened at the faculty. 

Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/wiadomosci/aktualnosci/komunikaty-prasowe/wydzial-fizyki-uam-swietuje-30-lecie

Higher education