PhD student from Iran at Gdansk University of Technology examining food contaminated with pesticides


Mansoure Kermani is preparing a PhD thesis in analytical chemistry at Isfahan University of Technology in Iran. Her research is a part of an internship at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology and it may bring the creation of breakthrough methods for detecting substances threatening human health in water and food.

The student began writing her PhD thesis on the preparation of nanostructural sorbents for studying the presence of pesticides in the environment through gas chromatography at the university in Isfahan.

The project implemented in Gdańsk concerns the preparation of sorption materials in the SMPE technique (microextraction to the stationary phase) for the isolation of compounds essential for environmental protection, mainly of pesticides and herbicides. These sorbents will be hybrid materials based on a combination of porous silica and ionic liquids with different properties.

Higher education Research and development