Researchers from the University of Opole receive Crystal Medals “Friend of Bats” 

fot. Uniwersytet Opolski

Dr Grzegorz Kłys from the ecological research team, his MSc student Elżbieta Koenig and Dr Joanna Makuchowska-Fryc from the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology at the University of Opole have been awarded Crystal Medals “Friend of Bats” for preventing the devastation of bat habitats and roosts. 

“Our team’s first task is to study the interior microclimate – the conditions necessary for a bat organism to survive until spring. We perform this using a thermal imaging camera and special instruments to measure airflow, temperature, humidity and rock conductivity”, says Dr Kłys.

The medals were awarded in recognition of social work to save, learn about and spread knowledge of bats and other extinct animal species, and for involvement in all activities promoting conflict-free co-existence between humans and animals. The awards were presented during the 20th Carpathian Bat Night “The Secret World of Bats” in Czarnorzeki.

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