Student community awarded its prizes

fot. PSRP

“We have met the winners of the 11th Student Environment Awards competition ‘Pro Juvenes’, organised by the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland since 2013. 

The aim of the competition is to promote active students and their initiatives, as well as to highlight the merits of individuals and entities that are student-friendly and support the potential of young people. By presenting the ‘Pro Juvenes’ awards, the Student Parliament of the Republic of Poland wants to create a good atmosphere of cooperation in the academic environment and integrate students from all over Poland. 

In eleven categories, the winners were selected by online voting, and in five the winners were chosen by the Chapter.

In the ‘Student Scientific Project’ category, students from the Jagiellonian University’s Collegium Medicum in Kraków were awarded for the project ‘Use of a supramolecular carrier in targeted anticancer therapy’. The ‘Best Juvenalia’ was awarded to the Rzeszów Juvenalia organised by the Rzeszów University of Technology. The award in the ‘Student Organisations’ category was presented to the Academic Orchestra of the Technical University of Lodz.

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