‘Applied Napology’ faculty launched at Wroclaw Medical University

fot. Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu

There are legends about students sleeping in class. At the Medical University of Wrocław, a facultative course entitled ‘Applied Napology’ has been launched. In the summer semester, sleep studies will be conducted during the seminar.

The aim of the classes is to show future physicians (for the time being, only this group has classes) how important sleep is and how to sleep effectively. The class is to develop their napping habits so that they don’t have to fuel themselves with caffeine or energisers. Now they are students who have a lot of studying to do, but in a few years they will be on duty for hours at health centres.

At the ‘Applied Napology’, the students learn how to fall asleep and sleep for the benefit of the body. They listen to music based on sounds with a specific frequency (nature sounds, some classical music, relaxation pieces). They try to sleep after drinking coffee and in a seated position in order to acquire the ability to rest in less comfortable circumstances, such as in doctor’s offices.

Read more: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/drzemanie-na-zaliczenie

Higher education