University of Gdansk researchers work on innovative sensors to analyse atmospheric composition

Fot. Karol Makurat/REPORTER

Researchers from the University of Gdansk are taking part in an international project to develop innovative sensors for analysing the composition of the atmosphere. The project has a budget of €5 million. The money is provided by the Horizon Europe programme.

A total of 16 partners from six countries (Finland, France, Italy, Spain, the UK and Poland) are involved in the project. The group includes seven universities and nine companies. 

The work is expected to result in a sensor that determines the concentration in the air of gases such as CO2, NO2, CH4, N2O, O3, O2 and CO by monitoring the absorption spectrum. The sensor would, on the one hand, operate over a wide range of the spectrum and, on the other, have the sensitivity to detect minute variations in the spectrum.

The sensors would find application in measuring stations that determine the level of air and water pollution by measuring the concentration of individual substances, such as carbon dioxide.

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Higher education