Warsaw School of Economics receives the title of CEMS School of the Year 2022/2023

fot. SGH

The Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) has been ranked first among 33 universities in the CEMS (Global Alliance in Management Education) programme. The prestigious title of school of the year within this alliance (CEMS School of the Year 2022/2023) was awarded to SGH at a gala in London.  

“This is an exceptional accolade: we became the best school among the 33 member schools of the programme, and this obliges. This is not the first time we have received this laurel. In 2017, we received the award in Sydney. Now we are attending a gala in London together with CEMS alumni from SGH. This shows that as a leading economic university in Poland we matter in the category of business schools in the world”, said SGH Rector Dr Piotr Wachowiak, Prof. SGH.

The title of ‘CEMS School of the Year’ is awarded on the basis of a vote by the CEMS Academic Committee based on student assessment in all elements of the programme (classes, workshops, business project, block seminar, Global Citizenship Seminar or International Internship), student service, involvement of corporate partners and alumni and CEMS club activities.

Higher education