Academic Gala of the Journalistic Laurels 2018 in Lublin


The University of Maria Curie Skłodowska (UMCS) in Lublin and the Catholic University of Lublin are organizing the Academic Gala of the Journalistic Laurels 2018, which will take place on March 11, 2019 at the Crown Tribunal in Lublin. The celebrations will include a debate: “Local media and civil society”.

The Academic Journalistic Laurels (AKLAUD) are annual awards established in 2014 for people who combine work in the media with academic activity. The prize is given in two categories: AKLAUD and junior AKLAUD.

The program will include the debate “Local media and civil society” with the participation of the representatives of the AKLAUD Award Chapter, the Lublin media and local government. During the discussion, the invited participants will refer to the issue of relations between local media and individuals, groups and communities, and the role of the media in Lublin in defining the principles of social coexistence and educating future journalists.

Events Higher education