13th Pi Day Party to be held at the University of Silesia


Traditionally, in March, the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the University of Silesia organizes the Pi Day Party. The program of the event consists of interesting popular science lectures, various workshops, as well as shows and competitions with prizes.

This year’s party will start on March 14, 2019 at 9.42 (or 3 * 3.14). The term is not chosen by chance, it refers to the American record of March 14: 3.14, the first three digits of the number π. The idea of celebrating the holiday was made in 1988 in the United States.

At the University of Silesia, the event will be organized for the thirteenth time, and meetings will be held on the campus of the university in Katowice. This year’s festival will last two days (March 14 and 15) and will be inaugurated by a lecture by Prof. Paweł Walczak entitled “A word on triangulation of polygons and polyhedrons”.
More: http://swietopi.pl/

Events Higher education