Quality-assurance program of the Silesian University of Technology


Employees of the Silesian University of Technology who demonstrated in 2018 a special commitment to the development of the university will receive an additional remuneration. The prizes will also be offered to the organizational units.

The pro-quality program introduced by the university’s authorities is an element of strategic, systemic and long-term action for development. The aim of this project is to reward work results while supporting further progressive scientific activities.

The program enables employees to increase basic salary even by PLN 1000 depending on the type and value of achievement. The achievements recorded in the Dorobek database at the Silesian University of Technology include obtaining a patent / utility model, publication in high-ranked magazines, implementation of a project from the HORYZONT program depending on the function performed by the leader / partner projects.
More: https://www.polsl.pl/Lists/AktualnosciUczelniane/PokazWiadomosc.aspx?WebPartTitle=ListWiadomosci &Page=1&WebPartTitle2=News&Filter1Field2=Identyfikator&Filter1Value2=2796

Higher education