Scientist of the Wrocław Medical University becomes the finalist of the Polityka Science Awards


Dr Piotr Donizy, a scientist of the Department of Pathomorphology and Oncological Cytology of the Medical University of Wrocław became one the finalists of the 19th Scientific Awards of the weekly journal Polityka. The Awards are given to “the most talented specialists” in individual fields of science.

Dr Piotr Donizy conducts research on the mechanisms of progression of a rare malignant Merkel’s cancer and an extremely rare variety of mucosal melanoma. He is also a member of an international team of doctors, including from Japan, Spain, Taiwan and the USA, whose project concerns new prognostic markers and molecular disorders responsible for the development of mucosal melanoma.

Research of the Wrocław scientist will help learn new mechanisms of the formation of extremely rare malignant tumors and may result in the discovery of new gripping points for molecularly targeted therapies, which in the future could significantly improve the results of treatment.

Events Medicine and biotechnology