Dr Sławomir Krzychała, Prof. of the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław published an article in one of the most prestigious educational magazines in the world – American Educational Research Journal.
His article analyzes the development of the school in the context of teachers’ involvement in new educational practices. It presents the author’s theoretical model in which changes at school can be interpreted as a process of creating and transforming pedagogical knowledge (orientation model).
The American Educational Research Journal publishes articles that develop an empirical, theoretical and methodological understanding of education and learning. There are analyzes covering the area of educational research in all sub-areas and disciplines. The works reflect the highest quality in a wide range of perspectives, topics, contexts and methods.
More: http://www.dsw.edu.pl/aktualnosci/aktualnosc/news/kolejne-sukcesy-naszych-wykladowcow-prestizowanipublikacja-prof-dsw-slawomira-krzychaly/