Adam Mickiewicz University students teach English and maths in Tanzania

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Students from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań have returned to Tanzania. The main aim of the expedition is to help children attending a school in Mtae, in the Usambara Mountains, to prepare for their primary school leaving exams. The project participants, in collaboration with the Uvi Foundation for Education, are teaching the children English and mathematics.

‘We want to ensure that the universal right of children and young people to education is not just a nice-sounding slogan, but can actually become a reality, including in the countries of the global South. This goal sounds distant, but we believe that even small actions can have a big effect. We will not change the whole world, but we can change the world of even one child!’ write the students on their Facebook fanpage.

“Students of UAM without Borders” is an international project carried out by members of the Scientific Club of Intercultural Education. The aim is to carry out educational activities with children and young people from impoverished parts of the world.

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Higher education