AGH University of Science and Technology educated the most multi-millionaires alumni


According to the ranking prepared by Pracownia Ekonomiczna 2033, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow educated the most graduates with assets exceeding EUR 100 million.

The list shows that 11 AGH UST graduates can boast of assets exceeding EUR 100 million. The University of Warsaw took the second position in the rating and educated 10 such graduates. The third place was taken by the Warsaw University of Technology with 6 rich graduates.

The ranking was prepared for the fourth time. Its authors emphasize, that it was based on publicly available information such as: financial statements, capitalization of public companies and generally available information on ownership changes (purchase and sale transactions, mergers). Data on the education of graduates – multi-millionaires were searched both in a standard way, basing on generally available information, and in a non-standard way – a bit more complicated and secret, because many wealthy people, do not provide any information on this subject, valuing their privacy.


Higher education