Alior University – a new dimension of cooperation between the bank and universities


The inauguration of the Alior University was held in Warsaw. It is one of the stages of the implementation of the cooperation agreement between Alior Bank SA and the Kraków University of Economics (UEK).

Alior University was created to be a centre for developing the skills and competences of the bank’s employees. 

The project is based on two pillars. The first is internal activities, focused on employees. The second pillar is activities outside the bank’s structures, including cooperation with academia to transfer knowledge and talent. The development of this area envisages numerous educational meetings with the bank’s experts, the implementation of scholarship programmes, internships and projects familiarising students with the environment of a financial institution such as Alior Bank SA. The initiative is also part of the implementation of the “Bank for Everyday, Bank for the Future” strategy.

The partners of the initiative are the Kraków University of Economics, the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw and the State Academy of Social Sciences in Przemyśl.

Higher education