Architects from the Gdansk University of Technology including Dr Eng. Ksenia Piątkowska as well as Dr Eng. Monika Arczyńska and Dr Eng. Łukasz Pancewicz – received awards from the Minister of Development and Technology for outstanding achievements in architecture and construction and planning and spatial development.
The main award in the field of planning and spatial development went to the A2P2 architecture & planning consortium Monika Arczyńska and Wolański Sp. z o.o. for the Klimatyczny Kwartał project. Dr Ksenia Piątkowska received a distinction in the field of architecture and construction for her project to adapt the Great Mill in Gdańsk into the Amber Museum.
Prizes in the ministerial competition are awarded for outstanding creative achievements in the fields of architecture and construction and planning and spatial development, as well as for outstanding theses, dissertations and publications in these field.
Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-08/architekci-z-pg-z-nagroda-ministra-rozwoju-i-transportu