Architecture graduates of the Silesian University of Technology participate in the competition of the Mayor of Gliwice


Four projects prepared by graduates of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology were awarded in the fourteenth Mayor of Gliwice’s competition for the best thesis on the city.

Graduates of the Silesian University of Technology presented their own land development proposals, including academic district or the area of the now decommissioned Huta Gliwice, and also designed the concepts of their own solutions in the field of environmental protection, improvement of public transport and social integration. Their ideas were appreciated, which is reflected in the results in the competition.

10 diploma theses (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral works from 2016-2019) were submitted to the competition. By decision of the jury, the first prize was awarded to Eng. Jakub Kowalski, the second prize to Eng. Sabina Kani-Tarasiuk. In addition, Eng. Agata Wyciślok and Eng. Kamil Matejkowski were also awarded.

Technical sciences