Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for 2018


One of the most prestigious awards of Polish science, the Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for 2018, were received by the 69 best Polish scientists.

The award is granted for outstanding scientific achievements, individual and collective didactic achievements and organizational successes in the past year.

The winners are Dr Aleksandra Wesołowska from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Warsaw, who received the award for outstanding scientific achievements in the category of research for the benefit of society, Prof. Maciej Nowak from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, awarded for outstanding scientific achievements in the category of research for economic development and Prof. Przemysław Juszczyński from the Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology in Warsaw, who received the award for outstanding scientific achievements.

Higher education