The competition for the Prize of the President of the Polish Space Agency for the best diploma thesis in the field of space research has been settled.
Forty-nine theses were submitted to the competition from 19 universities and research units from across the country; mostly from the Warsaw University of Technology (9) and the Wrocław University of Life Sciences (5).
In the Engineering or Bachelor’s thesis category, the first award was received by Maciej Kupras of the Technical University of Łódź for his thesis ‘Determination of aerodynamic forces depending on the angle of the steering surfaces of the Starship space vehicle during its return to Earth’.
In the Master’s thesis category, the first award was presented to Martyna Świerczyńska of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków for her thesis ‘Analysis of the influence of lunar conditions on the regolith transport process’.
In the doctoral thesis category, the first award was given to Grzegorz Bury from the Wrocław University of Life Sciences for his thesis ‘Precise orbit determination of GNSS Satellite using microwave and laser ranging data’.