Bialystok University of Technology to hold International Pi Day celebrations

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Lectures, workshops and competitions for primary and secondary school pupils, students and all interested persons, as well as a Mathematics Picnic and a special Science Café will be part of the celebrations of International Pi Day. The Faculty of Informatics of the Białystok University of Technology is inviting the public to celebrate it together on Thursday, 14 March 2024.

14 March is a significant and symbolic date for mathematicians. In the United States, it is recorded as 3.14, which is the approximate value of the number Pi, a mathematical constant that continues to fascinate scientists to this day. 14 March is also the birthday of Albert Einstein and Władysław Sierpiński, an eminent Polish mathematician. 

°Mathematics is a fascinating, beautiful science which can be found in almost every aspect of our everyday life. During Pi Day, we have an opportunity to show young people a side of mathematics they do not yet know full of the magic of numbers, formulas and problems solved by mathematicians over the years”, says Dr Ewa Girejko, coordinator of the International Pi Day celebrations at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Białystok University of Technology.

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