Białystok University of Technology to launch a new course Thermal Energy


Joint cooperation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences of the Białystok University of Technology has resulted in creation of a new study Thermal Energy, which allows to receive construction, installation, energy and cooling professional qualifications.

-Launching the study of thermal energy is a breakthrough event in education in this field of knowledge – emphasizes Prof. Eng. Dariusz Butrymowicz, head of the Department of Thermal Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology. Until now, energy specialists graduating from mechanical faculties did not have access to construction and installation qualifications necessary for design, supervision and implementation of works, while specialists of installation technologies graduating in construction or environmental protection departments had difficult access to energy or cooling qualifications – adds Prof. Butrymowicz.

Graduates of thermal power engineering will gain education profiled in the thermal power engineering, refrigeration and air conditioning. They will receive interdisciplinary professional competences in the clean energy technologies, cold generation technologies and thermal and flow issues occurring in modern industry, environmental engineering and construction.

Higher education Technical sciences