Biobank Laboratory of the University of Łódź co-creates two Regional Digital Medicine Centres

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi

18 Regional Digital Medicine Centres are being created in Poland with two of them to be co-created by the Biobank Laboratory of the University of Łódź (UŁ). 

Each of these projects is worth nearly PLN 30 million, with a total of half a billion PLN allocated by the Medical Research Agency. Digitising clinical research, using medical research for science and ensuring the security of this data are just some of the priorities of this cooperation.

‘The establishment of the Regional Digital Medicine Centres will create an infrastructure to securely store and collect data in a uniform format. 

We are becoming partners for at least eight years, we have been invited to cooperate by both the Copernicus Hospital in Łódź and the Medical University of Łódź’, says Professor Dominik Strapagiel, head of the Biobank Laboratory in the Department of Cancer Biology and Epigenetics at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection at the University of Łódź. 

Medicine and biotechnology