Bobot 2.0 is to support medical staff


In the “PROTECT MED” project involving the development of innovative technological solutions for medical facilities in the time of a pandemic, scientists from the Białystok University of Technology (PB) created a robot called Bobot 2.0.

The device was constructed by employees and graduates of PB from the inter-faculty research group, the Group of Mobile Technologies.

The robot has undergone several tests at the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Białystok.

The remotely controlled robot includes multimedia equipment, a thermal imaging camera and equipment enabling remote transmission of image and sound. They allow nurses and doctors to interview the patient, as well as do simple diagnostic tests, such as pulse measurement or, for example, taking a thermographic image – explained Dr Mirosław Kondratiuk from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, coordinator of the Bobot 2.0 module in the “PROTECT MED” project.


Innovations Medicine and biotechnology