Bydgoszcz University of Technology has submitted an application to launch a degree programme in medicine. The document containing, among other things, the curriculum and timetable of studies, a description of the organisation of the educational process, a list of academic teachers together with their teaching and scientific achievements and a description of the infrastructure necessary for medical studies was submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science.
“As a university, over the years we have always responded to the needs of Bydgoszcz and the region. This is also the case with medicine. Over the past few months, we have done something that seemed impossible to many at first glance. It has been a period of hard and intensive work connected, among other things, with securing the clinical base, completing the medical staff, raising funds, preparing the concept of building a prosectorium and a medical simulation centre, or developing documentation”, says the rector of the University of Technology in Bydgoszcz, Professor Marek Adamski.