Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University to research impact of pharmaceuticals on the environment as the subject of an educational campaign


The scientific consortium headed by company Tech-Inno-Med belonging to the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw, is implementing the educational campaign “Fish do not suffer from heart disease”. Its purpose is to draw attention to excessive consumption of pharmaceuticals.

The project is carried out together with Bank Ochrony Środowiska and the Piktorex Company.
Pharmaceuticals PPCP (pharmaceutical and personal care products) are extremely harmful to the environment. Compounds of those pharmaceuticals are detected in surface waters, deep waters and domestic sewage.

The campaign is to pay attention to the proper disposal of pharmaceutical waste and minimization of its leakage into the environment and their toxic impact on ecosystems. The cooperation agreement with the Bank will be implemented by the scientific consortium Tech-Inno-Med UKSW Sp. z o.o. and Piktorex Sp. z o.o.

Higher education