Competition for the mascot of the Silesian University of Technology


An open nationwide competition for the concept and name of the mascot for the Silesian University of Technology has been launched. Works should be submitted until May 31. The mascot is to arouse positive associations and promote the values of the university also it should promote the development of Polish science, technology and culture as well as attitudes of patriotism, civic responsibility, social activity and mutual respect and tolerance.

The project must be consistent with the mission and vision of the University to be a prestigious European technical high school that conducts innovative research and development work, educates highly qualified staff for the society and knowledge-based economy, and actively influences the development of the region – explain the competition organizers on the website.

The competition jury will take into account the readability of the message, innovativeness, aesthetic values of the project and the promotional potential. The technique of developing a mascot concept is optional.
Detailed information and rules of the competition:

Events Higher education