Competition of the Ministry of Finance for works reducing the tax gap

Adam Burakowski/REPORTER

Until July 25, 2022, applications can be submitted for the 11th “Tax Leaders” competition of the Ministry of Finance. This year, the topic of the competition is “New methods of reducing the tax gap”.

The organizers are waiting for the work of students and graduates of legal and economic faculties who will present their ideas for changing the tax system. Their studies are to contribute to the prevention of tax avoidance and evasion.

There are 16 paid internships at the Ministry of Finance waiting for the best.

For several years, Poland has been one of the leaders in combating unfair tax practices, and the actions we take show their effectiveness and are closely monitored and implemented by many of our foreign partners. However, we do not stop searching for new solutions and I sincerely hope that the next winners of the competition will shed a new perspective on this issue – explains Jakub Chowaniec, Director of the Tax Analysis Department at the Ministry of Finance.
