Cooperation between the Silesian University of Technology and the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency

Politechnika Śląska

The Silesian University of Technology has signed a letter of intent with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP). The university and the PAŻP will cooperate in the area of developing the training of operational air traffic services personnel and ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) technical personnel.

The partners are embarking on closer cooperation and the exchange of mutual experience in the training of personnel in specialisations directly related to the Agency’s area of activity. The Silesian University of Technology has a certified ATO POLSL Aviation Training Centre and provides education in the fields of Transport and Aeronautical and Space Engineering in the specialisations of Aeronautical Mechanics and Operations, Air Navigation and Aeronautical Logistics.

PAŻP’s cooperation with civil and military universities in the country, is related to the need to provide highly qualified aviation and technical personnel in the long-term perspective of the proper development of aviation in Poland.

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