Cooperation of Kraków’s universities in cyber security


Five Krakow universities: AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow University of Technology, University of Agriculture and University of Economics have signed a cooperation agreement on cyber security.

The aim of the project is to create a platform for cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of network and ICT system security in the Małopolska region, as well as to mutually support data protection activities.

The cooperation includes, among other things, joint delivery of training, workshops and courses aimed at developing digital skills and building awareness and social responsibility in the area of cyber security. 

The Krakow universities will also undertake joint scientific and research work as part of national and international project consortia aimed at supporting the construction of a national cyber-security system with a particular focus on the Małopolska region and the implementation of the European cyber-security strategy.

Higher education