Deputy Prime Minister Gowin meets the Senate of Warsaw University of Technology


-This is prestige and distinction for the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as very high financial support in the implementation of planned reforms – said Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin during the solemn meeting of the Senate of Warsaw University of Technology, which took place on February 10 on the occasion of obtaining the status of a research university in the “Initiative of Excellence” competition – Research University “(IDUB).

Warsaw University of Technology (PW) is one of the top 10 Polish universities that obtained the status of a research university in the IDUB competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The aim of the program is to support the universities selected in the competition that will be able to compete with the best academic centers in Europe and in the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister Gowin emphasized in the report summarizing the assessment of the Warsaw University of Technology’s application, that the team of experts highly assessed the university’s plans to increase its impact on global science in the Priority Research Areas – in particular through the programs “Innovative PW” and “PW Accelerator.”

Higher education