Dr Domańska elected the president of Polish branch of Principles for Responsible Management Education


Dr Agnieszka Domańska, scientist of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in Warsaw became the president, and Dr Dariusz Kiełczewski, scientists of the University of Białystok (UW) was elected the vice-president of the Polish branch of PRME – Principles for Responsible Management Education. It is an initiative supported by the United Nations, which was established in 2007 as a platform promoting sustainable development issues at universities.

PRME is a global forum for responsible management education. The association was established on the initiative of leading business universities and was recommended by the Global Compact organization.

About 1,000 universities from all over the world belong to PRME. It allows to carry out joint research and implementations on an international scale, and students have access to extensive education on sustainable development and to good practices in this area. The aim of the organization is to incorporate the idea of ​​responsible business into the content of education at universities.

Higher education