Dr Marta Kosior-Kazberuk elected the rector of the Bialystok University of Technology


The Collegium of Electors elected Dr Eng. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk as a new rector of the Białystok University of Technology (PB) for the term 2020-2024. Dr Eng. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk is currently the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation. The new rector is the first woman on this position in the university’s 70-year history.

Dr Eng. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk is a graduate of the Bialystok University of Technology (major: construction, specialization: building and engineering constructions). In 2002 she obtained a PhD in technical sciences in the discipline of construction, specializing in concrete constructions, building materials. In 2014, she became a post-doctoral degree in technical sciences. She has sat in the PB authorities as Vice-Rector for Education and International Cooperation since 2016. From October 1, 2019, she has been the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation.

She started working at PB in 1995 as an assistant in the Department of Concrete Structures at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (currently the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Sciences), where she is employed to this day.

Higher education