Educational project of the Poznań University of Life Sciences co-funded by the ‘Social Responsibility of Science II’ programme

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

The educational project implemented by the Centre for Lifelong Learning of the Poznań University of Life Sciences, “Popularisation of science through a series of classes carried out as part of the University of Young Naturalists”, has received funding from the programme “Social Responsibility of Science II”.

The University of Young Naturalists (UMP) is an initiative to popularise natural science knowledge among children and young people. It is a project of extraordinary importance that aims to stimulate curiosity, cognitive activity and creativity among pupils. One of the main goals of the UMP is to develop interest in nature and to shape cognitive activity and creativity among participants.

Through a variety of educational activities, workshops and lectures, the UMP stimulates young people to discover the fascinating world of science and explore the mysteries of nature. This makes the University of Young Naturalists an inspiring and creative place for young minds.

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Higher education