Eight new faculties to appear at the University of Gdańsk


Eight new directions will appear in the offer of the University of Gdańsk in the academic year 2019/2020. In total, there will be 80 fields of study at full-time and part-time studies.

The University also offers education at a PhD school and the opportunity to improve professional qualifications at post-graduate studies. Applications can be sent since June 17.

New fields of study include practical IT, health institution management, audiovisual production, telemedicine and health care projects, insurance – interdisciplinary studies, socio-economic geography with elements of GIS and physical geography with geoinformation, and Criminology and criminal justice – studies in English.
More: https://ug.edu.pl/media/aktualnosci/87079/nowe_kierunki_i_rekrutacja_na_uniwersytet_gdanski_-_rok_akademicki_2019202

Higher education