Eight universities from three continents begin cooperation with Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University


Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw has received funding to implement activities under the Erasmus+ programme ‘Mobility of students and university staff between programme countries and countries not associated with the programme’.

The project provides for mobility of academic staff and student arrivals at UKSW. The project will last 3 years and will involve 8 universities from 7 different countries from 3 continents. UKSW has received funding for the implementation of over 40 mobilities.

3 faculties of UKSW will take part in the project: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (Institute of Political Science and Administration), Faculty of Historical Sciences and Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences.

Their partners will include University of New York in Tirana, the first private university in Albania, Sokhumi State University in Georgia, Western Caspian University in Azerbaijan, Cairo University from Egypt, University of Khartoum from Sudan, Mexican university El Colegio de la Frontera Sur and Yerevan State University from Armenia and Ilia State University from Georgia. 

Higher education