Employees and graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology involved in research on COVID-19


Employees and graduates of the Faculty of Building Installations, Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology participated in the work of the team that prepared an analysis on the potential relationship between air pollution with PM (particulate matter) and the spread of COVID-19 infection in Poland.

The analysis was performed by the working team for the health impact of air pollution of the Minister of Health. All the experts involved in the study of atmospheric pollution work for the Faculty of Building Installations, Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The scientists pointed out that the link between air pollution and the risk of contracting the disease and the severity of COVID-19 can manifest itself in one or more forms, such as through the “direct impact of air pollution on the body’s defenses before or during infection, regardless of comorbidities”. At the same time, the team explained that the current state of knowledge does not allow to confirm or to reject the hypothesis about the existence of such a relationship.

Medicine and biotechnology