English Division at the Medical University of Wrocław is 20 years old

fot. Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu

The English Division at the Medical University of Wrocław (UMW) celebrated twenty years of operation. The celebratory meeting, held in the John Paul II Auditorium, was attended by foreign students, UMW authorities, lecturers and representatives of Wrocław universities. 

In his speech, the Rector of the University of the University of Wrocław, Professor Piotr Ponikowski, acknowledged that twenty years is already a serious age and a good time for some summaries and a look into the future. 

“Dear students, I would like to tell you about passion, courage and sacrifice by quoting the story of the outstanding physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who you may know from the cinema. Be so courageous and never give up. University time is the best time to make friends, including lifelong ones. Thank you for choosing Wroclaw, our university, and deciding to spend the most beautiful years of your life here. Keep Seneca’s words in mind: “Life is like a novel, it doesn’t matter how long it is, but how good it is”, said Prof. Ponikowski.

Read more: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/english-division-na-umw-ma-juz-20-lat

Higher education