The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Wrocław University of Science and Technology with a scientific category A. The process of obtaining this grade took over two years.
In November 2017, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded the faculty category B with 15 points were missing for grade A. The department appealed against this decision in December 2017. The ministry upheld the first verdict, recognizing only part of the department’s arguments.
In the opinion of the department’s authorities, the department failed to assess due procedural and substantive diligence, and therefore it was decided to file a complaint to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw.
The court overruled the ministry’s decision, and the ministry finally awarded the faculty the A science category. This has an impact on the amount of subsidies for the university and the unit itself, but above all it influences on its prestige and the possibility of applying for specific grants or conducting implementation doctorates.