First meeting of the Council of Young Scientists

fot. MEiN

The Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) hosted the 1st meeting of the Council of Young Scientists of the 8th term. The meeting was attended by the Secretary of State at the MEiN Wojciech Murdzek.

Deputy Minister Wojciech Murdzek thanked the newly appointed team for their readiness to co-create specific solutions to support the activities of young scientists.

“Thank you for your readiness to join the team in a space of great responsibility. We want to take care to jointly create conditions for the development of young scientists. I am proud that Poland and the incredible potential of young scientists is well known in the world”, said Deputy Minister Murdzek.

The Council is made up of 21 young scientists (doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and post-doctoral fellows) representing various fields of science and the arts. The Council is chaired by Dr Olga Witkowska-Piłaszewicz from the Institute of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
