First results of the application process at the Jagiellonian University


The Jagiellonian University in Krakow prepared over 15,000 places for students in regular BA and MA studies in the academic year 2020/2021 and almost 2,700 places for remote students. Almost 35 thousand young people applied for studies in the first part of application process.  This is 5,000 more than in the previous year.

The leading and most popular studies remain unchanged. They include law – with 1654 applicants, psychology at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication – with 1580 applications and psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy- with 1167 people. About 1,000 applications were submitted to the medical faculty and English philology.

The largest number of applicants for one place applied for economics (14.7), Japanese studies (14.2) and Korean studies (14).

Higher education