FNP prepares report “Science in times of change”

fot. FNP

The Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) has prepared a report “Science in times of change. How research funded by European Funds helps protect us from global threats and exploit historic opportunities’. It contains information on more than 30 outstanding scientists and their research achievements funded by the Operational Programme Intelligent Development (OPIR) by the FNP and a summary of programmes implemented by the FNP within the 2014-2020 perspective. 

The publication shows how Polish science, thanks to European Funds, is responding to global challenges and opportunities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of new materials, medical diagnostics and medical innovation, energy and ecology, and quantum technologies.

The report also includes a description and summary of the programmes that the Foundation has implemented under the OPIR, supporting science and scientists in Poland with approximately PLN 1.2 billion.

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