Forest in the middle of the city. Installation by students of the Warsaw University of Technology


A HA-LAS installation has been erected on Warsaw’s Polytechnic Square for the summer holidays. It is the response of architects from the Warsaw University of Technology (“PW”) to the problem of noise in the city. 

The installation is part of the educational project W CENTRUM, which is organised by the Warsaw Branch of SARP and the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology. It is the work of the students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology from the specialisation Architecture and Urban Planning.

PW emphasises that the green grove on the Polytechnic Square encourages participants a change of perspective, opening up to non-obvious stimuli, tranquillity and personal introspection. The authors encourage people to experience what nature offers, to consciously get to know it and to commune with it. This is facilitated by simple instructions placed inside HA-LAS – suggestions to touch a pinecone or grass, to stroke the leaves, to smell the plants or simply to enter between the trees, to sit comfortably and to be still for a quarter of an hour.
