Prof. Jacek Zaucha and Prof. Ryszard Smoleński are laureates of the Jan Hevelius Science Awards of the City of Gdansk. The awards, known as the Pomeranian Nobels, were granted for the 35th time. They are awarded to representatives of the Gdańsk scientific community in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
Professor Ryszard Smoleński of the Medical University of Gdansk was honoured for his research into nucleotide metabolism in human diseases, and Professor Jacek Zaucha of the University of Gdansk for his work on developing a methodology for studying maritime spatial development.
The award is granted by the Mayor of Gdańsk upon the proposal of two chapters chaired by the President of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the President of the Gdańsk Scientific Society. The chapters also include the rectors of state universities in Gdańsk, a representative of the Mayor of Gdańsk, previous winners and a representative of non-public universities in Gdańsk.
Read more: https://www.gdansk.pl/wiadomosci/Gdanskie-Noble-trafily-do-rak-wybitnych-naukowcow,a,236100