Gdansk University of Technology developed a Climate Plan for 2022-2030

Politechnika Gdańska

The work on the Climate Plan of the Gdansk University of Technology (PG) effective until 2030 has been completed. It is a framework document that defines the goals and activities of the university related to environmental protection and ecology in the broadest sense.

The plan created at PG is a real action for climate protection in the area of education and research, increasing environmental awareness and involvement of the academic community and internal initiatives related to the use of natural resources. The document is intended to shape and guide the university’s commitment both as an institution and in pro-environmental activities.

“In the Climate Plan, we have focused on tasks to be implemented in four main areas: quality of education, research, internal activities of the university and involvement of the academic community”, says Prof. Dariusz Mikielewicz, pro-rector for organisation and development, initiator of the Sustainable Development Goals implementation process at the university.

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Higher education