Gdańsk University of Technology rated as the sixth Polish university in the Round University Rankings


In the latest Round University Rankings, Gdańsk University of Technology was classified as the sixth Polish university. The University improved its position in the world ranking, taking 634th place (in last year’s ranking it was classified in 642nd place).

The Round University Ranking (RUR) is a global ranking that measures the performance of the world’s leading universities by 20 indicators in 4 key areas: teaching, research, international diversity and financial stability. The ranking is published by the RUR Ranking Agency based in Moscow.

869 universities have been classified in the latest ranking. The winners of the RUR 2021 ranking have topped American universities – Harvard University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Stanford University. Among Polish universities, the Jagiellonian University (358) was ranked the highest, followed closely by the University of Warsaw (363).


Higher education