Gdansk University of Technology welcomes Baltic Windustry 2023 conference

Politechnika Gdańska

Gdansk University of Technology is inviting participants to the Baltic Windustry 2023 conference. The event is aimed at scientists, investors and representatives of offshore wind energy companies. The conference will take place on 12 September, registration has already started.

The conference “Baltic WINDUSTRY 2023: industrial research in offshore wind energy” is organised by the Centre for Offshore Wind Energy of the Gdansk University of Technology in cooperation with the Polish Wind Energy Association.

The main aim of the conference is to bridge the skills gap and digitalisation in the wind energy industry and the education dedicated to it. The programme includes panel discussions with experts representing the private and public sectors, small and large organisations and government administration. The talks will be divided into the topics of policy and financing, industry and education, and research and digitisation.

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