Geriatrics Center of the Medical University of Gdańsk to receive additional funds for the fight the coronavirus


The Geriatrics Center project in Gdańsk, implemented by the Medical University of Gdańsk, received financial support of almost PLN 9 million to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Money will be allocated for the necessary construction and assembly works, purchase of medical equipment and accessories as well as personal protective equipment and disinfectants.

The University Center for Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia, realizing the therapy of patients infected with coronavirus, will receive funding for the construction of an external lift shaft, facilitating the transport of patients and materials and medical equipment, as well as for the expansion of the current medical waste warehouse. In addition, the necessary personal protective equipment will be purchased – protective masks, aprons and bactericidal overalls.

The money will be received from EU funds under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

Medicine and biotechnology