A satellite ground communication station is operational at the Piotrowo campus of Poznan University of Technology. The station has been fully commissioned and tested. It enables communication with satellites orbiting in low orbits (LEO), operating in the VHF and UHF amateur bands.
Connectivity is provided by multi-element Yagi-Uda antennas, working in conjunction with an ICOM IC-9700 radio station and SDR FunCube Dongle and USRP B210 receivers. These are installed on turntables to track fast-moving objects across the sky.
The ground station is also equipped with a 3m-diameter parabolic antenna designed to receive C-band signals, which will be used in the high-bandwidth communications system currently under construction in collaboration with Kiev Polytechnic University and SatRev.
The first Cubesat satellite equipped with the transmitting module developed at the Poznan University of Technology should be in orbit by the end of 2023″.