Another professional higher education institution has joined the ranks of the Academy. The Higher School of Social Sciences is changing its name to the Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin.
The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, handed the rector of the WSNS, Dr Emilia Żerel, a deed naming the Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin. During the event, the head of the Ministry of Science spoke about the important role of HEIs in smaller towns, the fact that they are local knowledge centres and cooperate with the socio-economic environment. At the same time, he stressed that the title of Academy is deserved by those HEIs that show relevant achievements, accomplishments and contributions to academic life.
The Lublin Academy has been engaged in educational activities since October 2001. It educates at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Medical Sciences in 14 majors. It currently educates 3,400 students in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, as well as postgraduate programmes.